Visa Overview


Visa Overview

The Malaysia My Second Home (MM2H) visa has several variations. It is essentially a residence visa that does not include the right to work in Malaysia. However, in one case (the West Malaysia Platinum visa) the right to work is one of the via’s benefits. Unlike some Asian countries, it is not specifically targeted at retirees, and the minimum qualifying age is younger.

The two states in East Malaysia, Sabah and Sarawak determine their own immigration regulations and have both created their versions of the MM2H visa. The conditions are generally easier but, of course, you are expected to live in the state issuing the visa.

In West Malaysia, they have now created three different levels of MM2H visa which require increased fixed deposits in return for longer duration visas. In the case of the highest tier, Platinum, the visa comes with the right to work in Malaysia and is valid for 20 years.

There is also a visa for Special Economic Zones, (SEZ) although there is currently only one SEZ, and that is Forest City in Johor. This is a large development next to the second crossing from Johor to Singapore and you have to buy a unit in the development. There are many unsold apartments so it is assumed this visa is intended to help the project increase sales. For Singaporean residents, it offers a much lower cost option than living in Singapore and might prove attractive to residents who do not have to commute daily to work and can therefore cross into Singapore outside of the rush hour traffic.

In the case of the MM2H visa offered in West Malaysia and Sabah, approved applicants are required to buy a property. The Sarawak visa is aimed at people who are over 50, but younger people who buy a property can still qualify for the visa