What MM2Hers Say
A survey conducted by TEG Media in 2019 revealed that there is a high level of satisfaction among those people who have moved to Malaysia under the MM2H programme.
The majority of people approved for an MM2H visa do not actually relocate to Malaysia. There are various reasons people join the programme which does not always include relocating here. Some apply because their country is only eligible for short stay visas, others come from countries which are unstable and they want the comfort of having another country to move to, if the need arises. Yet others simply apply so their children can attend the schools here.
It is not known how many of the 45,000 applications, which have been approved to date, have resulted in people relocating here, but it is thought it is somewhere between 10% and 20%
The survey TEG Media conducted in 2019 was among those that live here all, or most, of the time. People from 31 countries responded to the survey and it provides a useful insight into their activities and their feelings about Malaysia and the MM2H programme.
Clients of our MM2H agency (Borneo Vision (MM2H) Sdn Bhd) can receive a free copy of the survey. If you would like to read the survey now, then you can pay here (US$25) and the full amount will be deducted when you become a client.
If you want to read the main reasons expats enjoy living in Malaysia click here
To buy your copy now just click here. We will also include a free infographics of the survey summarising the results.